
Our vision Our innovation Event Solutions

Book your Events Tickets with us

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Know more about the Culture of Events

We at MOE Tickets help Organisers and Event Managers to organise their event ahead of time.

Free Events Host

Host your Event Online or Offline with us , get the ticketing service and make the process of booking , managing and following up and confirming guests easy with our Event ticketing solutions.

Build-in Video conference Platform

Our Built - in Video conference platform helps you make it easy to host Online Events, increasing your visibility online ad helping customers and guests to attend your events from their home at their convenience.

Connect your attendees with events

Dont wait for last moment bookings at the venue but Market our code on social media and get registrations for your event. 

Moe Tickets Features

Get the best from MOE ticketing service

Online Events

Organise you online events with MOE , whether it is a free ticket or a paid programme .

Venue Events

Organise your Venue Events and manage your crowd through our ticketing solution.

Ticket Variations

Whether your event is Free or Paid , organise your event with tickets through MOE

FREE and Low rates

Organise you Events Free of cost or with extra features with a nominal price.

MOE Ticket Scanner

Scann tickets of Events guests with MOE Ticket scanner to confirm tickets.

Support Tickets

Get support and help from MOE team to create your event and generate tickets

How Does It Work

Understand how MOE Tickets portal works to help you manage your Events successfully.


Register your account

Register your account absolutely free on MOEtickets and get the benefit of launching your Event with ticketing solutions.


Create your events

Create your events weather it is Wedding, Corporate Product launch or a Music programme, Sports or any other event.


FREE or Paid Tickets

Whether your Event is FREE or Paid you can use MOEtickets for both types of Events and as per your requirement.



IF you are selling paid tickets you can withdraw and transfer amount to your Bank account within 24 hours.

Our Partner

Our Partners in Events Management , together we make Events memorable

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